The genesis of the Ministry of Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA  ATANGANA  draws his source from the mystery that occurred in his life, at the end of his conversion, of which it is good to read the story. The miracles worked by his hands and his training in a Bible school very quickly made him an itinerant missionary in Cameroon and West Africa. It is during this journey that distinguishes him from the common servants of God, through the gospel of justice and truth that he preaches, that the project of creating a ministry is confirmed in his spirit by successive visions.


During a missionary trip to Dakar, Senegal in 1990, he had a vision on the night of March 31 to April 1, 1990, from which he had seen himself transported over the planet earth. He had then clearly seen under him the globe, the seas, the islands and the oceans.

And God said to him: “This is your field of action!”. God appointed two creatures to whom He intimidated the order to trample the world on His behalf so that all the places that their feet would trample would belong to Him for the proclamation of the Good News. The two creatures set to work. They trampled the whole globe under his gaze. Although one of the two creatures was quicker than the other, they trampled the same territories, and communicated to him a very precise figure which he reserves to reveal.

From his position in space above the globe, he noticed that the most trampled places were darkened and the lighted places were not trampled. Africa was trampled entirely, Latin America was trampled more than North America ;whereas the United States was strewn with much light. Australia, which was in darkness, was completely trampled underfoot. Europe, Asia, Oceania and all the Caribbean islands were completely trampled under foot.

This vision resulted in the creation of the world ministry “WORLD FOR CHRIST FAITH ACTION” whose constant goal is to win the world for Christ by faith. It is this same ministry that is called, sometimes NGOA ATANGANA FONDATION and sometimes NGOA ATANGANA MINISTRIES. It is administratively recognized as an evangelical church in Benin under the n° 92/001/MISAT/DAJ/52- ASSOC of January 07, 1992, according to the official newspaper N° 15 of August 1, 2000 of this country.

This Organization is not attached to any particular doctrine. Its vocation is simply to promote the word of God, the living word, the unchanging and active word for our century. Therefore it agrees with every church that preaches the full gospel or the gospel of justice and truth.


After the creation of this ministry in 1990 in Benin, the Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA ATANGANA still had two major visions concerning the state of the church in general. The first of the two occurred on 18 June 1993 while he was still in Benin, and the second on 18 June 2001 from Cameroon.

Obviously, these two prophetic visions were given to him by the Spirit of God, to serve as a safeguard in the conduct of his newly created ministry. The vision of June 18, 1993 dealt specifically with the life of sanctification that seemed to be lacking in the churches of our time, making them herds of sinners. It was aimed more at the leaders of our churches to prevent them from getting lost by their engulfment in the unbridled personal Augean race, at the expense of the moral and spiritual values of the gospel which guarantees a holy, glorifying God church.

In the vision of June 18, 1993, the Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA ATANGANA observed in spirit, a church composed of drunks, impure and impure people. A church where slander and all sorts of bad deeds reign. At the sight of this state of the church, after lamenting, the Lord said to him: “Go and speak to my people to change their behavior”. He replied, “No, Lord, not me! For I am unable to take on such a heavy task .The Lord answered and said to him, “I have chosen you as my spokesman to warn my people, because my people are not preparing to be according to what is written in Ephesians 5:25-27: “… Christ loved the church, and gave himself up for it, that he might sanctify it by the word, after purifying it with the baptism of water, that he might make this glorious church appear before him, without spot, nor wrinkle, nor anything like it, but holy and blameless. God made it clear to his servant that the church does not present such an image.


Eight (08) years later, on June 18, 2001, Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA ATANGANA had a new prophetic vision warning God to his servants to change their behavior at the risk of dying prematurely. In this vision, the Lord addressed him and showed him the state of those of his servants who were most considered at that time and whose public opinion expected THE WORLD SPIRITUAL REVIVAL.

Unfortunately, the Lord showed him that these servants did not seek his interest. He showed him that the leaders of the churches, of all tendencies, use deceit, lies, swindles, fraud and hypocrisy and that they are ready to stifle all those of God’s servants who would like to express themselves on his behalf. These notorious pastors, however, lie in their preaching. They have the truth far from their hearts and mouths. They’re greedy for money. That is why they preach a diluted gospel, preferring to be applauded and accepted by their audience in the sense of Jeremiah 8:10-11. He showed him that the church of the Lord bleeds, having no one to make him the right bandage by way of care; whereas his church is filled with pagans who suffocate true believers (Matthew 13: 20-30).

After that, God showed him the punishment he reserved for these bad servants:

  • Some will die prematurely to everyone’s great surprise;
  • Some families of these evil servants of God will be spontaneously disturbed and disorganized;
  • There will be fancy weddings aimed at selfish interest, but which will be blessed by these bad servants;
  • Others among themselves will be engaged in such marriages. But all this will end in divorce;
  • Some pastors’ homes will be shaken and others destroyed;
  • Infidelities will multiply among pastors and perpetrators will die prematurely from shameful diseases or by accident.

The Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA ATANGANA in this vision saw a horrible scene in which God showed him his servants blinded by the lure of gain and material, and who carried out his work with lightness and casualness. That’s why he’ll punish that kind of behavior!

Servants of God, it is high time that you change your behavior if you live this kind of life unless you die soon. Those who persevere in “unhealthy” places of worship must leave them before they are contaminated (Revelation 2:5).


Notwithstanding the creation of the above ministry on January 7, 1992 in Benin by obedience to God by the Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA ATANGANA, God returned to the charge that same year in another vision on September 26, 1992, as if to “force his hand” to return to his country Cameroon, and God showed him that he had the choice to settle in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon, in the NKONG-MENDOGOU district of  Yaounde, the political capital of Cameroon, in the NKOLNDONGO district. He chose to settle in Yaounde rather than Douala, and created the NGOA ATANGANA FOUNDATION in 2008, of holiness II.