Born into a family of the Catholic religion, Reverend Pastor Caleb NGOA ATANGANA grew up in an environment that ignored current proselytism. As a child, he knows that there are only two (02) religions, his which is Catholicism, and the Islamic religion. It was during his adolescence that he learned of the existence of other denominations in the Christian religion, in this case Protestantism represented mainly at that time by American missionaries, quite numerous in the great south before independence until the end of the 1970s, and the current of Jehovah’s witnesses whose expansion was around the 1980s. He nevertheless made an important observation during these years: the great ethnic and linguistic group Béti to which he belonged, and the great Regions of the Centre and the South on which he established himself constitute an almost impregnable bastion of Catholicism.

It is therefore logical that the young Caleb NGOA ATANGANA meets the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time in a Catholic environment and gives him his life fully at the Benedictine Monastery of Mont FEBE in Yaoundé, Cameroon, after a Catholic monk he knew since his childhood spoke to him of Jesus Christ of Nazareth inviting him to give his life. Caleb NGOA ATANGANA, who remembers it in great detail to this day: the exhortation to the conversion of this Catholic monk, the poignant words he used, the biblical texts taken in support of his message, the disposition of his heart, the sincere confession of all his sins, the descent of the Holy Spirit by marking his baptism of the Holy Spirit. That morning, after six (06) hours, and before Sunday Mass which began at eight (08) hours, Caleb NGOA ATANGANA converted, accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Savior.

The first week of his conversion, the young convert’s heart greedy for the knowledge of God, read the New Testament of the Holy Bible completely. Powerfully marked by the sublime and perfect figure of Christ, by his journey, his teaching, his supreme sacrifice and the punishment that fell upon him for the salvation of humanity, Caleb NGOA ATANGANA immediately discovered the virtues of the assiduous and permanent reading of the word of God, prayer, fasting and evangelization.

Knowing truly no other Christian milieu, not yet receiving the gospel of justice and truth that transforms despite his heart totally open to God, Caleb NGOA ATANGANA continued to respect the dogmas of Catholicism despite himself and despite the teachings of the Apostle Paul to the Athenians on idolatry that upset him, hoping to be led by Almighty God into a place where he is worshipped in Spirit and in truth.

It was during an evangelization campaign held in the OBILI district of Yaoundé, at the invitation of his cousin, that Caleb NGOA ATANGANA met, for the first time, an environment called “awake”. It is the beginning of a new experimentation of the Almighty God, and of the evangelical and prophetic work known today under the name of the NGOA ATANGANA FOUNDATION, whose flagship institution is The Tabernacle of Liberty, ”Church of all Peoples” in the sense of ISAIAH 57:6.